Friday, March 25, 2011

James and Bob's conversation about a recent UFO sighting in Boulder

"Me" is James is this conversation. and "Robert" is of course Bob.
       Recently there was a reported UFO sighting outside Boulder, Colorado.  Upon showing Bob the Youtube video, the following conversation ensued.  It details Bob's stance that aliens do exist but have never been to Earth, and James' stance that aliens exist and have been to Earth.
12:45 PM Robert: If the solar system was drawn to scale, and the earth was the size of a pea,Pluto would be 9 miles away and the size of a bacteria. Pluto is 1/50,000 of the way to the edge of the solar system.
  aliens do exist, but they have never been to earth.
12:47 PM me: thats imposible to know, the earth 4.6 billion years old
 Robert: It is statistically impossible given our current knowlege of the universe
  until that changes I am sticking by the conclusion that aliens have never been to earth
12:48 PM even if they could travel at near light speed it would take 20 years to get to the closest earth like planet
  thats .999999999 light speed
12:49 PM in earth years it would be thousands of years
  and why would a race that ineligent just hang out in red lights
 me: your assuming that they travel like we do by some sort of vehicle, there are more than three dimentions in the universe, they can travel that way
12:50 PM Robert: very true
  but given our current knowledge of the universe this is impossible
  therefore given the information I have come to the only conclusion possible.
12:51 PM me: it should be the exact opposite, we know so little so there is some much more that is possible
 Robert: you cant make a conclusions based on unknown data
 me: im a geologist, thats what i do
12:52 PM Robert: if I told you there was a high posibility that there is a highly advanced race of mole people that live 1200 miles under the surface of the earth would you believe me?
12:53 PM me: no because i know 1200 miles under the surface is molten rock
  cant live there
 Robert: oh ya
  have you been there?
  you are using the same logic against me
12:54 PM me: the data supports it, seismic S waves cannot travel through liquid
 Robert: so you are using aviliable data to make a conclusion?
 me: there is also a geothermal gradient, gets very hot the deeper you go
 Robert: indeed, I know all this
12:55 PM me: a mole being a mammal cannot live in those conditions
 Robert: I was just trying to highlight to you that using data you can say there is a very low possibility of mole people.
12:56 PM checkmate
 me: im not done yet
 Robert: waiting...
12:57 PM me: i still a a wrook and bishop in play
 Robert: I have your queen
 me: queens are week and emotional like all women, i;m better off without here
 Robert: it will take some pretty fancy manuevering to get out of this one
1:02 PM me: probability would state that in a never ending and continuously expanding area there cannot be only one form of intelligent life. We are most likely the dumbest form of intelligent life. based on the fact that there are more than 3 dimentions in the universe time travel is possible. if some form of life has figured that out they could come and go as they pleased without us knowing. or until some hippy in boulder acidentally spots one. the being driving that ship prob got chinese style executed when he got home
 Robert: typing typing away, what will he say?
 me: for being spotted
1:05 PM Robert: 1st point, I agree there is most ceriantly other inteligent life. We are probably not the dumbest form of inteligent life, that statement in itself is a contradiction. There are more than 4 dimensions. Time travel backwards is probably not possible. IT would create a paradox, although if there is truly an infinite number of paraelle universes then you could travel between them and perhaps a universe exactly like your own but seconds in the past.
1:08 PM So in conclusions, knowing the unimmaginable distance that any life would have to travel, and given universal max speed of light, there is a very low (statistically impossible) odds that other life has traveled to earth. Also the fact that we have never picked up on any alien transmittion and even if they were watching us through a telescope they would be watching Christoper Collumbus sail the ocean blue, not our advanced technology we now have.
1:10 PM me: ahhh queen to Wrook/Knight three, good move
 Robert: those lights were something else first, something statistically more probable. If you can prove that they were not airplanes, flares, swamp gas, a hoax, or even the spontanious combustion of oxygen in high atmosphere (all of which have a higher probability) then maybe I will consider your hypothesis of alien life.
1:11 PM me: engineers have no imaginationRobert: ok it was aliens
 me: i'm not saying it was
  but it could be
 Robert: it was a whole ship full of big titted super model aliens that want your seed.
1:12 PM me: also if you look at the video the lights form a triangle shape, but the interlimb angles of the triangle change through the video.
1:13 PM it starts out isosceles (much like the shape of my head) and end in a right triangle geometry
 Robert: hahah
1:14 PM me: why the shape change?
 Robert: That was a classic JT quote "Go talk to that girl"
"Oh, I cant talk to her, she has a whole additional angle, shes got 90 deg on me."
  make a triangle with you hands
  now tilt that triangle away from your face
  the angles change
1:15 PM me: a solid object cant change shape like that
 Robert: sure it can
  if it changes angle of attack
1:16 PM and who said it was solid
  looks like flares on parachutes
1:17 PM me: its like lights on the corners of something like a plane they are in a fixed position
1:18 PM me: look at the video again
 Robert: dropped from a military trainerme: damn that was a good counter video.  I've lost my bishop.